ꨀမ္ꨵꨓမ္ Chrome ꨓꨯꨵေတꨡမ္ꨲꨡꨤꨓ္ꨲ လိꨀ္ꨳမꨤꨓ္ꨳလိꨀ္ꨳတꨯးသင္ မꨓ္းေတꨡြꨀ္ꨲပꨱꨓ္သီꨲꨅꨱင္ꨳေသ ေတꨟꨱတ္းꨟꨮ္ꨳꨅ္ꨮသꨱင္ꨳꨓဳꨲ၊ ယြꨓ္ꨵꨓꨓ္ မူိဝ္ꨳꨓꨯꨵꨁဳꨳꨟဝ္းမီးလꨯꨤးꨬꨀꨳꨁꨯ ပꨓ္မꨓ္းလꨯꨤးꨡိတ္းꨓုိင္ꨳေꨡဳꨳ၊ ငꨯꨤꨳငꨯꨤꨳꨡြꨓ္ꨲꨀူꨉ္းꨁဳꨳ
ꨡြꨓ္တꨤင္းသုတ္း ꨀꨮဳꨲꨁဝ္ꨳꨓ္ꨮး Control Panel>>Folder Options>>View{Tab}>> click on Show Hidden Files or Folders. Now you may see the hidden files and folders. After that, go to C: {Hardisk} >> Users{Folders}>> (yourPCuser name){Folders}>> AppData>> Local>> Google>> Chrome>> User Data>> Default>> User StyleSheets.
ေပဳးယဝ္ꨵꨓꨯ ꨟဝ္းေတလꨯꨳꨟꨓ္ Custom.css file ယဝ္ꨵေꨀဳꨳꨓꨱꨀ္းꨁꨮဳꨲမုိဝ္း right click (Choose OpenWith)>> Notepad. ယဝ္ꨵေꨀဳꨳ Copy ꨡဝ္ထꨰဝ္လိꨀ္ꨳတꨤင္းတ္ꨮꨳꨓꨯꨵေသ Past သ္ꨮꨲꨓ္ꨮး Notepad ꨓꨓ္ꨵꨁဳꨳꨬလꨳ
Then type copy and paste this:
* , html, body, div,p {font-family:Zawgyi-One !important;}
ဝꨯꨤးေသꨓꨓ္ꨵꨓꨱꨀ္း Save ေသသိမ္းꨁဳꨳꨬလꨳ , save it ꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵ ꨟꨱတ္းꨅူိင္ꨵꨓꨯေꨀဳꨳ ပꨱꨓ္ꨡꨓ္ယဝ္ꨵတူဝ္ꨳယဝ္ꨵေꨡဳꨳ ။ မ္ꨮꨲသုင္ꨁဳꨳ